Telecom Birddogs provides premier training and resources for wireless site
Telecom Birddogs provides premier training and resources for wireless siteacquisition and permitting. The site educates individuals and provides companies
with a format to train their project managers in the detailed processes for developing
cellular antenna facilities on towers, rooftops, water towers, and stealth structures.
Covering every step—from evaluating a site acquisition assignment to securing
space rights permits and making each project ready for construction, installation, or
implementation—Telecom Birddogs offers comprehensive online training. It also
provides access to the industry’s go-to handbook, "Firmly Anchored in Midair: The
Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting."
As the only leading resource of its kind, it equips professionals with the expertise to
confidently and efficiently navigate wireless site development decision-making.
The content is organized into six sequential procedural functions Wireless Site Acquisition Training in the site
development process. Each function is depicted as a progressive training level,
detailed within thirty-three modules organized under fourteen Site Acquisition
Processes in a Roadmap.